Session 7 Questions

1. Most men are hurting silently in their relationships? Do you agree/disagree?
2. One primary reason for broken relationships is man’s pursuit of an ever higher standard of living. Agree/Disagree?
3. Why do men get so wrapped up in their careers that they forget to be good husbands and fathers?
4. Have you found the pursuit of a higher standard of living to be worth the price? Give an example
5. Comment on this statement: “No amount of success at the office can compensate for failure at home.”
6. Why do you think men score so low in relationships?
7. How we are behind the closed doors of our own private castle is how we really are. How are you behind closed doors? What changes would help your family life?
8. Do you feel you are a good communicator at work? Compare your communication skills at work with how you are doing with your wife and kids?

Session 6 Questions

1. What is something you do that really makes you “feel God’s pleasure”? What work tasks give you a deep sense of personal satisfaction?
2. Read Genesis 2:15, then Genesis 3:17. Did you think work resulted from the fall of man? Since it is the ground that was cursed and not work, how does this affect your view of work?
3. Read Luke 14:33. How do you think Jesus intends for us to implement this command into our lives?
4. What is your ambition? Will it survive your physical death? Will it pass the Luke 14:33 test?
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 7, 9-12. What should be “more and more” the ambition of a genuine Christian? (See also Colossians 3:22-24)
6. What area of your life have you not yet surrendered to Christ? Are you the owner of your career or the “branch manager”?

Session 5 Questions

1. What are three words (or phrases) that describe how you remember your Dad?
2. Which, if any, of the four results of the Absent Father Wound could you most identify with? Why?
3. If you coudl ask your Dad for one thing and get it, what would it be? Explain?

Chapter 5 – Man in the Mirror Questions

1. What is something  you do that really makes you “feel God’s pleasure?” What work tasks give you a deep sense of personal satisfaction?
2. Read Genesis 2:15, then Genesis 3:17. Did you think work resulted from the fall of man? Since it is the ground that was cursed and not work, how does that affect your view of work?
3. Read Luke 14:33. How do you think Jesus intends for us to implement this command into our lives?
4. What is your ambition? Will it survive your physical death? Will it pass the Luke 14:33 test?
5. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 7, 9-12. What should be “more and more” the ambition of a genuine Christian? (see also Colossians 3:22-24)
6. What area of your life have you not yet surrendered to Christ? Are you the owner of your career or the “branch manager?”

Chapter 4 – Man in the Mirror Questions

1. A man’s greatest need is his need to be significant? Agree or Disagree?
2. The difference in men is in how they go about satisfying their need to be significant? What are some of the main ways men try to satisfy this need?
3. How do you keep score? At the end of the day, how do you measure whether or not it has been a successful day? How does your method compare to the way God keeps score?
4. How did you score on the Game of Tens? What truth does this game underscore?
5. What is the difference between self-gratification and significance?
6. What Martin Luther did was simply to live out his conscience. Why do you think more men don’t do the same?
7. What would you do differently if you decided to be another Martin Luther, one of this generation’s handful of faithful men?

Session 4 Questions

1. Which kind of “suitcase” do you think you carry: A small one? A medium-sized one? A large one? Don’t know? Explain….
2. With which of the five wounds unpacked this evening could you feel an immediate identification? Why?
3. If you could change anything in your suitcase, what would it be? Explain?

Session 3 Questions

1. What personal assets did you leave home with because of your family life? Read more…

Man in the Mirror Week 2 Questions

1. What would you like on your tombstone to summarize your life?
2. Which of your experiences and relationships do you think have had the greatest impact on how you think, speak, and act? in what ways have they influence you for good?… for bad? Read more…

Man in the Mirror Focus Questions

1. Do you agree that most men are caught up in the rat race? Why?
2. If the rat race is an unwinnable race, why do you think so many men run in it? What are they trying to accomplish? Read more…

Men’s Ministry Podcast

Apr 1, 2015
Quest for Authentic Manhood Week 1
 In the first session we were introduced to the Quest for Authentic Manhood curriculum.
  • Apr 1, 2015Quest for Authentic Manhood Week 1
    Apr 1, 2015
    Quest for Authentic Manhood Week 1
     In the first session we were introduced to the Quest for Authentic Manhood curriculum.
